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Table wDCR_ReportSettings

Stores the set-up settings for Document Creator report objects.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Report Settings
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany False


ID Type Name Description
1 Integer ReportID Specifies the ID of the report object.
2 Text[249] ReportCaption Specifies the caption of the report object.
10 Enum wDCR_DateTextFormat DateTextFormat Specifies the text format to use for the date-text columns in the report dataset.
20 Boolean LoadItemPictures Specifies whether this report should be run and item pictures should be loaded into the dataset.
30 Boolean OverrideDocumentLanguage Specifies whether this report should be run ignoring the "Language Code" field value on the document's header. When this setting is enabled, instead the "Language" parameter on the request page, the "Language" setting on the "Report Limits and Settings" page, or the current session's language will be used.