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Codeunit wDCR_ReportFunctions

Provides helper functions for reports.


Name Value
Access Public


wgFncContactGetSalutationText(Text, Code[20], Code[10], Enum::Microsoft#CRM#Setup#Salutation Formula Salutation Type):Text


Procedure will be removed, please use wgFncGetContactSalutationText instead

Returns Salutation Text (Formal or Informal) based on Salutation Formula settings Contact Function will test if Contact No. and Salutation Formula language exists to exclude errors. If no Contact or Translation for Salutation is found then only pContactName will be sent as Salutation Text.


Type Name Description
Text pContactName Contact Name from document
Code[20] pContactNo Contact No. from document
Code[10] pLanguageCode Language Code
Enum "Salutation Formula Salutation Type" pSalutationType Salutation Type


Type Description
Text Salutation Text


Formats a date according to the format-option of the current report.


Type Name Description
Date pDate The Date.


Type Description
Text The formatted date text.

wgFncFormatDateText(Integer, Date):Text

Formats a date according to the format-option of the report with the specified ID.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The Report ID.
Date pDate The Date.


Type Description
Text The formatted date text.

wgFncFormatDateText(Date, Enum::wDCR_DateTextFormat):Text

Formats a date according to the specified format option.


Type Name Description
Date pDate The date.
Enum "wDCR_DateTextFormat" pwDCR_DateTextFormat The format option.


Type Description
Text The formatted date text.

wgFncGetContactSalutationText(Code[20], Code[10], Enum::Microsoft#CRM#Setup#Salutation Formula Salutation Type):Text

Returns a salutation text (formal or informal) for a contact based on the Salutation Settings for the contact. If the contact or salutation formula does not exist, then an empty string is returned.


Type Name Description
Text pContactName The name of the contact to get the salutation text for.
Code[20] pContactNo The no. of the contact to get the salutation text for.
Code[10] pLanguageCode The code of the language to use for the translation of the salutation.
Enum "Salutation Formula Salutation Type" pSalutationType The type of salutation to use.


Type Description
Text The salutation text for the contact based on the passed parameters.

wgFncGetContactSalutationText(Text, Code[20], Code[10], Enum::Microsoft#CRM#Setup#Salutation Formula Salutation Type):Text

Returns a salutation text (formal or informal) for a contact based on the Salutation Settings for the contact. If the contact or salutation formula does not exist, then the "pContactName" parameter will be returned.


Type Name Description
Text pContactName The name of the contact to get the salutation text for.
Code[20] pContactNo The no. of the contact to get the salutation text for.
Code[10] pLanguageCode The code of the language to use for the translation of the salutation.
Enum "Salutation Formula Salutation Type" pSalutationType The type of salutation to use.


Type Description
Text The salutation text for the contact based on the passed parameters.


Returns CurrencySymbol.


Type Name Description
`` pCurrency The Currency Code.


Type Description
`` The CurrencySymbol.

wgFncGetDateTextFormat(Integer, Enum::wDCR_DateTextFormat@):Boolean

Retrieves the format-option that should be used to format dates in a report with specified ID.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The ID of the report.
Enum "wDCR_DateTextFormat" vDateTextFormat The Format to use.


Type Description
Boolean true iff a date text format setting could be found for the report.

wgFncGetDimText(Dimension Set Entry@, Text[120]@)

Builds strings of Dimension Code and Dimension Value Code pairs from a set of Dimension Set Entry records. This procedure is meant to be used iterating over a record set, for example in the OnAfterGetRecord trigger of a Dimension Set Entry dataitem. It will result in a string formatted like: 'DimCode1 DimValueCode1, DimCode2 DimValueCode2, DimCode3 DimValueCode3'.


Type Name Description
Record "Dimension Set Entry" vRecDimSetEntry The Dimension Set Entry dataitem.
Text[120] vDimText The text build from the Dimension Set Entry records.

wgFncGetItemAttributeNameByLanguageCode(Item Attribute Value, Code[10]):Text[250]

Retrieves the Item Attribute Name for the specified Language Code.


Type Name Description
Record "Item Attribute Value" pRecItemAttributeValue The Item Attribute Value record.
Code[10] pLanguageCode The Language Code.


Type Description
Text[250] The Item Attribute Name for the specified Language Code.

wgFncGetItemAttributeValueByLanguageCode(Item Attribute Value, Code[10]):Text[250]

Retrieves the Item Attribute Value for the specified Language Code.


Type Name Description
Record "Item Attribute Value" pRecItemAttributeValue The Item Attribute Value record.
Code[10] pLanguageCode The Language Code.


Type Description
Text[250] The Item Attribute Value for the specified Language Code.


Retrieves the Report ID from the string returned by CurrReport.ObjectId(false)


Type Name Description
Text pCurrReportObjectID The output of CurrReport.ObjectId(false).


Type Description
Integer The Report ID.


Determines whether or not the Line Discount column needs to be shown on the document. Checks whether there are any lines under the document that have a line discount. If there are no lines with a discount, then the return value will be true. The procedure should be able to check this for the following header tables:

  • Sales Headers

  • Purchase Headers

  • Sales Shipment Headers

  • Sales Invoice Headers

  • Sales Credit Memo Headers

  • Service Headers

  • Service Invoice Headers

  • Service Credit Memo Headers

  • Return Receipt Headers For any other unsupported record type the return value is "true".


Type Name Description
RecordRef vRecRef The header record


Type Description
Boolean true iff there are no lines in the document with a line discount.

wgFncIsMonolithicVAT(VAT Amount Line@):Boolean

Determines whether a set of VAT Amount Line records only apply to a single VAT type. If the record set only includes 0 or 1 records, or 2 records being a positive and negative line for the same VAT type, then the return value will be true, because there is only a single VAT type.


Type Name Description
Record "VAT Amount Line" vRecVATAmountLine The set of VAT Amount Line records.


Type Description
Boolean true iff only a single VAT type exists in the VAT Amount Line record set.


Gets the value of field "Use "Show Comments" and "Show Dimensions" from the setup.


Type Description
Boolean The value of "Use "Show Comments" and "Show Dimensions".


Sets the Report ID for this codeunit.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The report ID.


Sets the Report ID for this codeunit from the string returned by CurrReport.ObjectId(false)


Type Name Description
Text pCurrReportObjectID The output of CurrReport.ObjectId(false).


Type Description
Integer The Report ID.


Retrieves whether item pictures should be loaded for the current report.


Type Description
Boolean true iff item pictures are to be loaded.


Retrieves whether item pictures should be loaded for the report with the specified ID.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The Report ID.


Type Description
Boolean true iff item pictures are to be loaded.

wlEvpOnBeforeFormatDateText(Date, Enum::wDCR_DateTextFormat, Text@, Boolean@)

Allows to hook into how dates are formatted to text.


Type Name Description
Date pDate The date.
Enum "wDCR_DateTextFormat" pwDCR_DateTextFormat The date format that should be used.
Text vFormattedDateText The output (date formatted as text).
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if your extension handled formatting the date as text.