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Table wDCR_LayoutSettings

Stores additional settings for a report layout.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Document Creator Layout Settings
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany False


ID Type Name Description
1 Integer ReportID The ID of the layout's report object.
2 Text[250] LayoutName The name of the report layout.
3 Guid AppID The app ID of the report layout.
10 Text[249] ReportCaption The caption of the layout's report object.
100 Code[10] ExportProfileCode The code of the export profile that should be used for rendering this report layout.
101 Text[30] ExportProfileDesc The description of the export profile that should be used for rendering this report layout.
110 Enum wDCR_DesignAction DesignAction The design action that should be applied when the report layout is opened via a design file in the designer.
120 Boolean CheckedOut Specifies whether the layout has been checked out for editing by a user.
121 Guid CheckedOutByUserSecurityID The security ID of the user that checked out the report layout for editing.
122 Text[50] CheckedOutByUserName The name of the user that checked out the report layout for editing.
123 DateTime CheckedOutAt The date and time at which the user checked out the report layout for editing.