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Codeunit wDCR_LayoutFileManagement

Provides all implementation related to the flow of Document Creator layouts (e.g., create, copy, import, export, archive, upgrade).


Name Value
Access Public


wgFncCopyReportLayout(Report Layout List, Integer@, Text[250]@):Boolean

Copy a report layout to a new tenant report layout record. Opens a page where you can enter the report ID and layout name for the new layout.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Layout List" pRecSelectedReportLayoutList The report layout to copy.
Integer vReturnReportID The report ID for the new report layout.
Text[250] vReturnLayoutName The layout name for the new report layout.


Type Description
Boolean true iff the layout was created.

wgFncCopyReportLayout(Report Layout List, Integer, Text[250], Text[250])

Copy a report layout to a new tenant report layout record with specified report ID, layout name and description.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Layout List" pRecSelectedReportLayoutList The report layout to copy.
Integer pReportID The report ID for the new report layout.
Text[250] pLayoutName The layout name for the new report layout.
Text[250] pLayoutDescription The layout description for the new report layout.

wgFncCreateNewBlankDocumentCreatorTenantReportLayout(Integer, Integer@, Text[250]@):Boolean

Opens a dialog page that allows the user to create a new, blank Document Creator tenant report layout for the specified report object.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The ID of the report object to create a new Document Creator tenant report layout for.
Integer vReturnReportID The ID of the selected target report object selected in the dialog.
Text[250] vReturnLayoutName The name of the new tenant report layout.


Type Description
Boolean true iff a layout was created.

wgFncCreateNewBlankDocumentCreatorTenantReportLayout(Integer, Text[250], Text[250]):Boolean

Creates a new, blank Document Creator tenant report layout for the specified report object with specified layout name and layout description.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The ID of the target report object.
Text[250] pLayoutName The name of the new tenant report layout.
Text[250] pLayoutDescription The description of the new tenant report layout.


Type Description
Boolean true iff a new layout was created.

wgFncGenerateUniqueTenantReportLayoutName(Integer, Text[250]):Text[250]

Generates a unique/unreserved name for a new tenant report layout.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The ID of the report to which the layout applies.
Text[250] pInitialLayoutName The name to base the new name on.

wgFncGetDocumentCreatorDefaultLayoutFileName(Report Layout List):Text

Returns the default file name for a layout file.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Layout List" pRecReportLayoutList The report layout.


Type Description
Text The file name.


Returns the file extension for Document Creator Layout files.


Type Description
Text[4] Document Creator Layout file extension.


Returns the file filter for Document Creator Layout files.


Type Description
Text Document Creator Layout file filter.


Gets the MIME Type for Document Creator report layouts.


Type Description
Text[255] The MIME Type for Document Creator Report Layouts as Text.

wgFncGetDocumentCreatorReportLayoutSelection(Integer, Report Layout List@):Boolean

Gets the Document Creator report layout selection if it is set up for the current company.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The ID of the report object.
Record "Report Layout List" vRecReportLayoutList The Report Layout.


Type Description
Boolean true iff the report has a Document Creator report layout selection.


Returns whether the report with the specified ID has a Document Creator report layout selection.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The ID of the report object.


Type Description
Boolean true iff the report has a Document Creator report layout selection.

wgFncImportLayoutWithArchiveComment(Report Layout List, Text[255], InStream, Text[100])

Imports the layout to the Report Layout List record and archives the previous version.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Layout List" pRecReportLayoutList The Report Layout List record.
Text[255] pMimeType The MIME type of the layout to import.
InStream pInStreamLayout The layout to import as an InStream.
Text[100] pComment The comment to add to the archived layout.

wgFncImportLayoutWithArchiveComment(Tenant Report Layout@, Text[255], InStream, Text[100])

Imports the layout to the Tenant Report Layout record and archives the previous version.


Type Name Description
Record "Tenant Report Layout" vRecTenantReportLayout The Tenant Report Layout record.
Text[255] pMimeType The MIME type of the layout to import.
InStream pInStreamLayout The layout to import as an InStream.
Text[100] pComment The comment to add to the archived layout.

wgFncIsDocumentCreatorReportLayout(Report Layout List):Boolean

Returns whether the report layout is a Document Creator report layout.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Layout List" pRecReportLayoutList The report layout.


Type Description
Boolean true iff the report layout is a Document Creator report layout.

wgFncIsDocumentCreatorReportLayout(Tenant Report Layout):Boolean

Returns whether the report layout is a Document Creator report layout.


Type Name Description
Record "Tenant Report Layout" pRecTenantReportLayout The report layout.


Type Description
Boolean true iff the report layout is a Document Creator report layout.

wgFncIsDocumentCreatorReportLayout(Option, Text[255]):Boolean

Returns whether the report layout with specified properties is a Document Creator report layout.


Type Name Description
Option pLayoutFormat The Layout Format of the layout.
Text[255] pMimeType The MIME Type of the layout.


Type Description
Boolean true iff the report layout is a Document Creator report layout.

wgFncIsDocumentCreatorReportLayout(ReportLayoutType, Text[255]):Boolean

Returns whether the report layout with specified properties is a Document Creator report layout.


Type Name Description
ReportLayoutType pReportLayoutType The report layout type of the layout.
Text[255] pMimeType The MIME Type of the layout.


Type Description
Boolean true iff the report layout is a Document Creator report layout.


Returns whether the specified MIME Type corresponds to a Document Creator report layout.


Type Name Description
Text pMimeType The MIME Type


Type Description
Boolean true iff the MIME Type corresponds to a Document Creator report layout.

wgFncPreviewEmailBody(Report Layout List):Boolean

Render an email body using the selected layout and view it in the Dynamics 365 Business Central email editor. The procedure will open the request page of the report so that you can select for which data (e.g., a specific invoice) to generate the HTML email body.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Layout List" pRecReportLayoutList The report layout


Type Description
Boolean true iff the email body was generated successfully.

wlEvpOnBeforeGetDocumentCreatorDefaultLayoutFileName(Report Layout List, Text@, Boolean@)

Allows to hook into how the default layout file name is determined.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Layout List" pRecReportLayoutList The report layout.
Text vDefaultFileName The default layout file name.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this to true if your extension handles the default layout file name for this report layout.