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Codeunit wDCR_ReportSelectionMgt

A codeunit with helper functions for document report selections.


Name Value
Access Public


wgFncGetDocumentCreatorReportSelectionCount(Integer@, Integer@)

Gets the number of report selections that are set to Document Creator report objects.


Type Name Description
Integer vSetCount The number of Document Creator report objects set as report selection.
Integer vTotalAvailableCount The total number of Document Creator report objects available for report selection.


Gets a text that specifies the number of (available) report selections set to Document Creator report objects.


Type Description
Text A text specifying the number of report selections set to use a Document Creator report object.


Sets all the report selections to use the Document Creator report objects.


Type Description
Boolean true iff report selections were updated.

wgFncUpdateReportSelection(Enum::Microsoft#Foundation#Reporting#Report Selection Usage, Integer)

Updates the report selection for a specific usage to the specified report ID.


Type Name Description
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pUsage The Usage.
Integer pReportID The new Report ID.

wlEvpOnAfterGetEmailBodyLayout(Integer, Text[250]@, Guid@, Boolean@)

Allows to hook into retrieving the layout that should be used to generate the email body contents for the report.


Type Name Description
Integer pReportID The ID of the report object.
Text[250] vLayoutName The name of the layout.
Guid vLayoutAppID The app ID of the layout.
Boolean vFound Whether a layout to use for the email body was found.


Allows to hook into updating the report selections to Document Creator defaults.

wlEvpOnBeforeUpdateReportSelection(Enum::Microsoft#Foundation#Reporting#Report Selection Usage, Integer@, Boolean@)

Allows to hook into updating a report selection.


Type Name Description
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pUsage The report selection usage.
Integer vReportID The report ID to apply.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this to true if your extension handles setting the report object to use for this usage.