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Table wDCR_LayoutPrinterSelection

Stores a configuration of which printer to use for a specific user ID, report and layout combination.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Layout-Specific Printer Selection
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany False
DrillDownPageId wDCR_LayoutPrinterSelections
LookupPageId wDCR_LayoutPrinterSelections


ID Type Name Description
1 Code[50] UserID Specifies the ID of the specific user for whom you would like to set up printer selections.
2 Integer ReportID Specifies the ID of the specific report for which you would like to set up printer selections.
3 Text[250] LayoutName Specifies the name of the layout to configure the printer selection for.
4 Guid LayoutAppID Specifies the app ID of the layout to configure the printer selection for.
10 Text[250] PrinterName Specifies the printer that will be used for the combination of user, report and layout specified by this record.
20 Text[250] ReportCaption Specifies the caption of the specific report for which you would like to set up printer selections.